Jablonovski -
Polish magnate family of the arms Pruss III of Mazovia. The arms Pruss – was a
combination of a silver half-horseshoe and scythe on a
red field. On the point of their connection
there is the sesquialteral cross. In a helmet – a leg with a spur, bent in a knee. The
Jablonovski’s family was included in the list " of the elected families " of
Rich Pospolita in XVI - beginning of XVII centuries, when the prince line of the
Jablonovski’s was founded, and its representative Jan-Stanislav got a title of the crown
sword-bearer. In 1637 and 1640 he was elected marshalok of an ambassadorial
government-office. The following generation of the family is represented by Stanislav-Jan
J. - the great crown hetman, " one of the greatest men of that time ".
Practically all his life he spent in the battles, was at war against tatar, Swedes and
insurgent Ukrainian Cossacks. In 1660 he had to meet near Khmelnick
with the army of the Semigradski prince Rakotsy, and after that Jablonovski took an active
participation in a rout of Russian army of prince Sheremetiev near Chudnov. Especially
rough period of the life of Stanislav Jablonovski was at the end of 60’s – the
beginning of 70’s of XVII
century. In 1669 he completely defeated Turkish squadron near
the walls of Nemyriv, and soon the similar destiny met another horde - near Komarne and
Striy. His name hetman Jablonovskiy had glorified in the bloody Khotyn battle in 1673, in
which there were lost more than 30 thousand Turkish infantrymen. For these feats the
significant land possession were given to him by the royal privilege (in particular,
Vinnitsa provinse on Bratslavshchina), then the family of Jablonovski got on one level
with Pototski’s, Lubomirski’s and other powerful magnates of
Podillia. Stanislav Jablonovskiy was in time to finish to the logical end the business of
the life - just he released from Turkish army Kamianets-Podilskiy
after signing in 1699 Karlovitsky peace. In three years after that S. Jablonovski has
died. His sons Stanislav-Karol, Jan-Stanislav and Olexander-Josef have continued the
business of the father. All of them holded a high rule in hierarchy of Rich Pospolita. In
particular, Jan-Stanislav headed the Russian province, and Olexander-Josef became the
great crown khorunziy. A rather interesting person was Jan-Kaetan Jablonovskiy, the
governor of Bratslava and long-term worshipper of Stanislav Leshchinski. Jan-Kaetan
traveled on much in Europe, for a long time he lived in Paris, Madrid, Vienna, received a
rank of the field marshal of "Sacred Roman empire", became the cavalier of an
order of Golden Fleece. At the same time contemporaries treated him rather skeptically,
believing, that Jablonovski "had more fee, than mind". Later on he reconciled
with the king August and moved to Bratslavshchina. Jan-Kaetan died in 1764 on Sejm, which
holded in Vinnitsa. His wife Anna Jablonovska in some years took an active
participation in the Bar confederacy. Alongside with the representatives of the family of
Jablonovski, whose arms was Pruss, there are known also Jablonovski’s of the arms
Grzimal (arms Grzimal - three towers of brick color in a gold field. At an open gate of
the central tower an armed warrior protects the entrance). This branch of family was
formed in XV century, and in XVIII century it was divided into two lines – gentry and
count. The founder of the last - Rokh Mikhailo Jablonovskiy - also had the direct relation
to the history of Bratslavshchina, and took participation in the Bar confederacy. In later times Jablonovski gave the world
the significant scientists and figures of culture. The direct heir of this family was
Olexander Jablonovskiy – an outstanding researcher and connoisseur of the Ukrainian